Enhancing Atmosphere with Fog and Lighting in Unreal Engine 5

author: Tenshi

1. Adding and Adjusting Fog

Exponential Height Fog + Volumetric Fog

I used Exponential Height Fog with the Volumetric Fog option enabled to achieve a realistic fog effect that interacts with light.

Exponential Height Fog Settings

2. Transforming the Sun into a Full Moon

I uses a Directional Light to simulate the sun. Using Ctrl + L, I rotated the light to give the illusion of a high moon in the sky.

Directional Light Settings

3. Creating Moon Rays Through Trees

Visible moon rays are an important effect to enhance the immersive ambiance. Here’s how I achieved this effect:

Final Result

Thanks to these adjustments, I successfully created an immersive nighttime horror environment:

I will include some before/after screenshots to show how these settings evolved!


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